Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Thank You Note

Now that my first shower has passed, it's time to sit down and write the thank yous.  After all, any good Southern woman wouldn't be caught dead not sending a thank you note in a timely manner!  As I sat down with my stack of note cards and the very long list of loving people who gave gifts to my child, I found myself getting tired.  Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's the pregnancy carpal tunnel that has been sneaking into my wrists and arms since April, but I was dreading these cards.

It's not that I'm not thankful.  I am OH so thankful!  And for those that spent their time and money on my unborn son, it's the very least I could do to take 5 minutes and write down some lovely thoughts on how this gift is going to make our lives so much easier as a family of three.  I can write about how wonderful it is that Kyle and I don't have to purchase every single thing for Willie P (and man do babies need a lot of things), and how excited I am to remember when I use these things all the people who went into stocking his nursery. 

But do we write these out of obligation?  Does anyone actually care about thank you notes?  I have to admit, I'm usually kind of surprised when I get one in the mail.  Most of us do it, because we're supposed to and it's appropriate, but my immediate family has taken to the mantra of "if you open this in front of me, you don't have to write a thank you note."  Google can't tell me who thought up the thank you note, or when this tradition started either - it just suggests websites telling us all how to write the proper thank you. 

I asked some of my friends about this subject to get a little more input.  One of my close friends said it is a pet peeve of hers when people don't send a thank you note.  Another said, "Honestly? I hate writing them and hate even more to receive them. They can all die in a fire."  With mixed opinions on the subject, what's a good proper lady to do?

I say write them.  Write them because it's the right thing to do, and we all get way too many bills in the mail.  Ice down your arm, grab a cute note card, and get to work.  Sure, you may write them because you feel it is necessary to do so, but it is nice to know that when you give a gift it is appreciated.  

And if you want, save them all year to use as kindling in the winter.

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